The Guide to Getting Rares!

Everyone loves or wants at least one rare item. Lots of people want them simply because they are rare- some others just like the look of the item. But rares come at a price. You must sacrifice gems, items, and lots of time! This guide will show you how to obtain your dream rare. It will help everyone, from newbies to experienced players.

The first thing to get when trying to get rares is gems. Gems are more valuable than most people think. Nearly all rares could be bought at some point. And, as you know, items are bought with gems.
So- Go out and play some games! Here are the games that can earn a LOT:
  • Level 4-4 of Fruit Slinger
  • The adventures! Phantom Portal: choose fourth present Return of the Phantoms: choose first present- these will earn you 500 more gems.
  • Phantom's treasure

Now that you've earned a nice bundle of gems (maybe 10,000?) you need to go buy items in the stores. But not just any items! Pick out items on clearance or items that are seasonal or rare. If it;s Monday, buy a couple of the day's rare item. Here are some important things to look for:
  • Is this/has this item ever been popular in the past? (good)
  • Is this item non member? (good)
  • Is this item a clothing item or furniture item? (Clothes have always earned more, with the exception of wallpaper and flooring)
  • Is this item expensive? (good)
  • Is it a monthly member gift?  (good)
  • Are there many of this item? (bad)
  • Is this seasonal? (could be good or bad)
  • Is it from beta times? (see below)
If the items that you're looking at fulfill at least 2 or 3 of the qualities, then get them!

There are certain rares that fall into the categories above that are not actually rare at all, since they can be earned in different ways than trading. So don't usually accept if they are offering you these rares! Here are a few of them:
  • Scary Horns
  • Freedom hat
  • Wreath Necklace
  • Santa Hat and Beard
  • Bat Glasses

Contrary to popular belief, there is a huge difference between BETA and rare. BETA items are items from November 2010 or earlier. RARE items are items that have been either out of stores for a while or available for only a short period of time. So items can actually be beta AND rare. So that nest from the easter egg hunt people are claiming as beta? That is RARE. And that baby palm tree available in the stores? That is BETA.  Not all rares are labeled, and quite a few betas aren't labeled, so people are claiming items are beta all over the place. But don't worry- the difference between beta and rare isn't too important. Just remember that beta items don't have to be rare, and rares don't have to be betas.

Now that you've got all these rare and seasonal items, transfer them all into a storage account and play the waiting game. White waiting, keep collecting rare and seasonal items. If you have done everything correctly so far, after a while the first items that you bought are now popular rares, which can be traded for more rares or all traded for one super rare! 

Some items have nicknames that people use. Here is a list of them!
  • Worn: Worn Blanket
  • Cuffs: Elf Bracelets
  • Spike: spike collar/Bracelet (Usually long spike collar)
  • NM: non member
  • Legend: Legendary Glove

Some rare items can be won from Sky High! Worn blankets, pirate swords, mech angel wings, freedom helmets and freedom wings are all potential prizes in this game. Don't get your hopes up, however, because they are still rare items for a reason. There is a big chance you will get a non rare seasonal item such as a santa hat and beard or a piece of junk. This being said, it is still good to try and get at least one prize a day. Sky High takes on average 4 and a half minutes to complete.

Scammers are people who are usually too lazy to go earn rares themselves, and instead cheat people out of their own hard-earned rares. Here are 3 of the common scams people use to help you avoid getting scammed.
  • Send me a rare, and I'll send you a rare back! = send me a rare, and I'll give you nothing/cheap item back! Don't EVER send someone a rare item. 99% of the time you will get nothing of worth in return.
  • Best Decline wins my outfit! = trade me a rare for a necklace! Again, you will get nothing in return.
  • Send me a rare, I just got scammed/hacked! :'( = send me stuff! They may or may not be telling the truth, but even if they did get hacked they shouldn't guilt people into giving them stuff.
Getting rares is hard. It's costly. It can be obsessive. Some people are lucky and don't have to do all of this work, but sometimes it's the only way to get your dream item. When trying to collect rares, just remember that people are still more important than items. As I said, it can get obsessive, and it's possible you may start judging others on how many spikes or worns they have. On that happy note, go out there and start trading!

Did I miss anything? If so, let me know in the comments!


  1. yea your right scary horns were in the shop last christmas

  2. can also get rares from sky high and returnof the phantoms if you with an artic wolf!

  3. Well this us well set out i like it u can get rares from adventures now

  4. I got two rares from the search for greely in hard mode! it was in the phantom opening thing! I got a dark blue fox hat! and a rare cream blue worn blanket! I got the worn from the phantom opening thing and the fox hat from the wolf thing behind the phantom thing! and a rare heart locket from the return of the phantoms in hard mode from the arctic wolf thing! and I am glad I got the worn and heart locket because mine got scammed! Twice actually.....

    1. if u really like ur rare heart locket, then good for u. just concluding, to me it seems like a rare peice of junk. dont take it personally if u really like ur heart locket.

    2. Why would you say someones thing is " a piece of junk"? That kind of comment does nothing for you, and makes the person who has the so called piece of junk sad because you're basically telling them that their item stinks and is worth a necklace. Why comment if you have nothing to decent to say?


any1 hoo commentz getz a fr33 spik